Tuesday, December 20, 2011

a touching Christmas story ...

A married couple had been out shopping at the mall for most of the afternoon. Suddenly, the wife realized her husband had "disappeared." The somewhat irate spouse called her mate's cell phone and demanded: Where the hell are you?

Husband: Darling, you remember that jewelry shop where you saw that diamond necklace and totally fell in love with it and I didn't have the money for it at that time... and said, Baby, it will be yours some day.

Wife, smiling and blushing: Yes, I remember that my love.

Husband: Well, I'm in the bar next to that shop. 

                 Oops, that wasn't the touching Christmas story I wanted to share...  check back in later and I'll keep looking.


Monday, December 19, 2011

well, at least Grandma no longer worries about getting run over by a reindeer!

Finally!!! Not sure if it was Santa's fault, or if it was the pilot's fault ...
 ... but Grandma won't be worrying about getting run over by a reindeer this year!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grandma must have nine lives....

Grandma got run over by a reindeer ... 
Every year, keep hearing the Christmas tune "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer" (have even heard other muscians do the song besides the original smartass), now see a commercial with same theme. How many lives does the ol' girl have anyway???
Where are our transportation department dollars going? Don't ya think they could afford a sign or two? It's not like they haven't heard the song for years too, and know Santa's driving record when it comes to poor Grandma ...
If we're going to keep hearing the same song, I'd like to hear some more verses ... let her survive and have some revenge on Santa's drunken driving.
                                                                                                           Just sayin'.....

Friday, October 7, 2011

aahhh yes, those bar jokes never get old ....

A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says, "We have a drink here named after you." The grasshopper says, "Bob?"

 A mushroom walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says, "I can't serve you." The mushroom says, "Why not? I'm a fun-guy."

Two men walk into a bar... you'd think one of them would have seen it.

So, thought a video of the bar jokes would be a nice switch --
Two girls walk into a bar...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

let the sky burn ... beautiful music, talented artist

Wow---nice music, you should check this out! She's talented, but just heard this one for the first time today. Don't know why haven't heard it before, guess just not on the list of "need to know"

Let the Sky Burn by Jo Nicholson

Sunday, July 24, 2011

speaking of reminiscing .....

Not too long ago, got a call from someone in my past ... quite a blast from the past, but not entirely unwelcome. I just wish some friends from the past knew I was thinking about them ... wouldn't mind hearing from others as well.
That one call got me to reminiscing about stupid things we've done in our youth, concerts with friends, times just hanging out chatting, BBQs, listening to music, laughing till we cried. As much as I enjoy my life now, and wouldn't trade a thing, I would like friends to know that they are not forgotten, will always be a part of me, forever in my heart.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

where are they now?

Have you ever wondered where musicians end up? 
I find myself humming a song, and wonder what ever happened to the artist?
What was going on in his mind when he wrote that particular tear jerker song?
These questions really weigh on me when I can't think of another song sung by said artist afterwards.
Did the heart break cause them such grief that they lost it?
Is anyone ever really losing it over?
I'd like to say no... not because a person is not worth much, but because that person shouldn't be worth more than another.

Broken hearts are a part of life, the stuff songs are made of.
I love deep, and I reckon if I were capable of writing songs I'd have a few hits by now as a result of life's heartbreaks.
Can't say that anyone has ever loved me that deep though, to have written a song over losing me.
Guess that's ok, that would suck to hear that one over and over on the radio I imagine.
Glad there's enough others out there, like Taylor Swift, and the idiots that broke her heart....

Sing on ....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

where are they now? still making that music I love...

I love American Idol. There I said it. But when you see the stars that come out of the show's talent go on and bring their music to us (over and over again) maybe you can forgive me from wanting to see them from auditions to winning it all on the show, and this season is no different.
Below are three of the best from years past (yes, there are plenty more to be sure) singing my favorites.

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Kelly Clarkson - Because of You

Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats

Monday, March 21, 2011

my own circle

Family is and will always be your family. The colossal joke is that they can't do anything about it, even if they wish they could.
Took a trip visiting family, and I kept getting looks at first to see if they could see any change in me... since I apparantly have grown 2 or 3 heads or something since the last time they saw me.
So far no one has come right out and asked me, and for that I think I am grateful. Let this visit confirm that I am still me, then maybe the next with an actual conversation will be easier.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

God bless the survivors...and those working to ensure we all survive

I hear we are up for climate change again ... earth was knocked on its axis approx 4" by Japan's earthquake.
Following the initial 8.9 quake, Japan had 141 additional quakes over 5.0 within the next 24 hours.
The tsunami knocked out power to nuclear power plants that cool nuclear reactors, and cooling the reactors with sea water inadvertantly set off an explosion at one of their already crippled nuclear reactors. The nuclear power plants in Japan are still not under control after the initial explosion & release of radiation at just one of those in danger of meltdown - officials have said that partial meltdowns have occurred at two crippled reactors and that they are facing serious cooling problems at three more .
Japan obviously terribly affected

 Hawaii affected
California affected                 Oregon affected
The fear is if the nuclear power plants totally fail, & there is uncontrolled radiation release into the atmosphere, the entire earth will be affected, the above map is just the beginning. Man is just a speck in the world when you think of the power of the earthquake and the following tsunami, yet how big a part we can play when you think of the possible disaster due to the nuclear power plants man has created.

hope he finds his way back ....

Charlie Sheen has been a talented actor throughout the years. Unfortunately he has struggled with his own demons. Many of us have. I just hope he finds the strength to climb back out. Somehow though, I fear he doesn't know his rock bottom yet.

We'll still be watching you when you're back on track, Charlie. Love your show "TWO and a half MEN."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

life is a circle...

I know, I know... "life is a circle" goes right along with all those other cute little sayings we've all heard all our lives. Such as: Don't cry over spilt milk. But what if it was your last cup, it's 2am, you've got 3 Oreos, the munchies, and nothing else will do??? Then it's OK to cry over spilt milk!
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Ok, maybe it does. But I feel the need to add "and what does kill you makes you stronger smelling over time."
But in this case I find that life can come full circle. For some this can happen relatively quickly. For others it may take a bit longer. And this circle isn't always viewed as a positive thing by those to whom it is happening. However, it is as inevitable as the fact that a circle has no beginning or end.
I feel fortunate indeed to have been able to step into some people's circles. I wish that my own circle's path would have paralleled some more closely instead of intersecting and then passing out of their path as circles continue on, seeking their own destiny. Hopefully our paths will cross again so that we can once again feel that closeness even if for a short time as has been our course thus far.

I was shopping for art, and came across something that explained this fragile circle of life better than I could in a different way yet: This artist created spirals of glass, expressing the never-ending cycle of life. How events will happen at one time in your life and then circle back to them again. We have our own life-spirals and we travel around on them and come back to events although maybe not in exactly the same way. A spiral can bring you peace too, the assurance that everything WILL circle back around. In that sense, it serves as a rudimentary mandala for us to meditate upon. And glass is a perfect medium because of it's potentially fragile quality. A glass spiral can be beautiful, colorful, reflective yet if you don't treat it with some care, it could shatter. (couldn't say it better myself)