Saturday, March 12, 2011

God bless the survivors...and those working to ensure we all survive

I hear we are up for climate change again ... earth was knocked on its axis approx 4" by Japan's earthquake.
Following the initial 8.9 quake, Japan had 141 additional quakes over 5.0 within the next 24 hours.
The tsunami knocked out power to nuclear power plants that cool nuclear reactors, and cooling the reactors with sea water inadvertantly set off an explosion at one of their already crippled nuclear reactors. The nuclear power plants in Japan are still not under control after the initial explosion & release of radiation at just one of those in danger of meltdown - officials have said that partial meltdowns have occurred at two crippled reactors and that they are facing serious cooling problems at three more .
Japan obviously terribly affected

 Hawaii affected
California affected                 Oregon affected
The fear is if the nuclear power plants totally fail, & there is uncontrolled radiation release into the atmosphere, the entire earth will be affected, the above map is just the beginning. Man is just a speck in the world when you think of the power of the earthquake and the following tsunami, yet how big a part we can play when you think of the possible disaster due to the nuclear power plants man has created.

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