Wednesday, March 9, 2011

life is a circle...

I know, I know... "life is a circle" goes right along with all those other cute little sayings we've all heard all our lives. Such as: Don't cry over spilt milk. But what if it was your last cup, it's 2am, you've got 3 Oreos, the munchies, and nothing else will do??? Then it's OK to cry over spilt milk!
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Ok, maybe it does. But I feel the need to add "and what does kill you makes you stronger smelling over time."
But in this case I find that life can come full circle. For some this can happen relatively quickly. For others it may take a bit longer. And this circle isn't always viewed as a positive thing by those to whom it is happening. However, it is as inevitable as the fact that a circle has no beginning or end.
I feel fortunate indeed to have been able to step into some people's circles. I wish that my own circle's path would have paralleled some more closely instead of intersecting and then passing out of their path as circles continue on, seeking their own destiny. Hopefully our paths will cross again so that we can once again feel that closeness even if for a short time as has been our course thus far.

I was shopping for art, and came across something that explained this fragile circle of life better than I could in a different way yet: This artist created spirals of glass, expressing the never-ending cycle of life. How events will happen at one time in your life and then circle back to them again. We have our own life-spirals and we travel around on them and come back to events although maybe not in exactly the same way. A spiral can bring you peace too, the assurance that everything WILL circle back around. In that sense, it serves as a rudimentary mandala for us to meditate upon. And glass is a perfect medium because of it's potentially fragile quality. A glass spiral can be beautiful, colorful, reflective yet if you don't treat it with some care, it could shatter. (couldn't say it better myself)

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